Customer reviews for Benzedrex Nasal Decongestant Inhaler

Benzedrex Nasal Decongestant Inhaler
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How to get it

  • Yes, I recommend
    Reviewed 11 years ago

    purchased for years

    Initially clears a stuff-up nose. Works good then. But looses effectiveness after two weeks.
    0 users found this review helpful.
  • Yes, I recommend
    Reviewed 12 years ago

    Benzedrex Works!

    This is the only inhaler that works for me and it clears my nasal passages within seconds. I've tried all the others before, but I've been using Benzedrex now for years and it's the only one I'll buy.
    0 users found this review helpful.
  • Yes, I recommend
    Reviewed 13 years ago

    Benzedrex - Real Relief

    This is the only product that completely relieves the sinus pressure and congestion when I'm having problems. I had not been able to find it until I ran a computer inquiry today. Thanks CVS.
    0 users found this review helpful.
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Details for Benzedrex Nasal Decongestant Inhaler

Product typeRespiratory & throat treatments
QuantitySingle pack
SymptomNasal congestion