one+other Designer Nail Files, 2CT

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one+other Designer Nail Files, 2CT

1.00 EACH, 0.1 lbs. Item # 406655

Hi! We're one+other™ (or "one another"). Our self-care essentials are simply fun to mix+match. Because everyone deserves to feel good like her, him, them and especially you. When doing your nails, you want to make sure that they are smooth and even when you are done. After clipping, the best way to get these ideal results is to file the ends of the nails down. Use these one+other™ Designer Nail Files, 2CT to file your nails to look and feel exactly how you want them. Each pack contains two different files. The first one offers a coarse grit so that you can file off edges and perform general shaping. The second file is a finer grit so you can smooth things out and get the precision results that you desire. These files are made with firm grips so that you can have the best level of control every time you use them. They are also designed to be used with just one-direction filing so that you do not cause any jagged or sharp edges. Keep these files clean and dry in your makeup bag when they are not in use. This will help to ensure that they last as long as possible so you can always keep your nails looking their best. Pick up these convenient nail files, and any other beauty products that you need, at your local CVS Pharmacy. You can also order them online at and have them delivered right to your house. Convenient two-pack of files
One file is coarse for eliminating sharp edges
Other file is finer for precision shaping
Easy-to-grip files for better control
File in one direction only
    Please see the full list of product ingredients on the product label.
    Please follow as instructed on the product label.
    Please follow as instructed on the product label.
    Product typeNail files & emery boards
    QuantityTwin pack

    Does CVS deliver one+other Designer Nail Files, 2CT?

    Yes, CVS delivers one+other Designer Nail Files, 2CT to your home if available online. Delivery is always free on orders over $35, or join our loyalty program to enjoy FREE shipping on a variety of items.

    Is one+other Designer Nail Files, 2CT available for same day pick up?

    one+other Designer Nail Files, 2CT may be available for same day pick up at most locations. Check your local stores for availability and add to cart to pick up today.

    How to save on one+other Designer Nail Files, 2CT?

    Join our loyalty program today to save on one+other Designer Nail Files, 2CT. Enjoy great offers and deals when you sign up. Check the weekly deals and download the CVS App today for exclusive coupons!

    Can one+other Designer Nail Files, 2CT be returned?

    Yes, one+other Designer Nail Files, 2CT can be returned. CVS offers a Moneyback Guarantee on all Store Branded Items in the store - 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.

    *Customer reviews and ratings solely reflect the views and opinions of the individual contributors and are not created or endorsed by CVS Pharmacy. Please review the product labeling and consult with your doctor with any health or medical questions.