Customer reviews for Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation

Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation
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Count:10 Count

How to get it

  • Yes, I recommend
    Reviewed 10 years ago


    I've been using this OPK over a cycle. We've been TTC for over a year and a half. Unfortunately, I think that this product is good, but too expensive.
    0 users found this review helpful.
  • Yes, I recommend
    Reviewed 11 years ago

    Best of the digital OPKs

    This test costs a little more than the other tests. In this case you do get what you pay for. Very easy to read. On your low fertility days you get a solid circle. On high fertility days you get a blinking smiley face. On your peak fertility day, you get a solid smiley face which will stay on the test display for two days (a friendly reminder that you are at your peak but also preventing further testing for the cycle). You can continue to use the remaining sticks on this holder but you must wait until the next cycle (if you buy a new kit, to supplement the leftovers be sure that you use only one holder per cycle). You should get 4 days total but some get more, some less - I seem to get 3 high and 1 peak (which counts as two days). Having an irregular cycle, this has been the most consistent for me in getting high and peak results aka more fertile days. I have apps that try to do this and they just cannot figure out an accurate pattern. Non-Digital OPKs have been okay, but they only get me one day.
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Details for Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation

ConcernPregnancy, fertility, and prenatal care
Product typeFertility & ovulation tests
Quantity1-10 ct