Customer reviews for CVS Health Acid Controller Tablets

CVS Health Acid Controller Tablets
Prices may vary from online to in store
Count:30 Count

How to get it

  • MsBelle
    Reviewed 10 years ago

    Costly for 30 10mg tablets

    Purchased in store. Didn't realize until later these are only 10 mg tablets. And only 30 quantity. Walgreens has 90 quantity 10mg for $14.99. But the Best Deal is Wal Mart 200 quantity 20mg tablets for under $10. Purchased due to convenience but ordered a supply from Wal Mart online.
    0 users found this review helpful.
  • Yes, I recommend
    Reviewed 11 years ago

    Good for Upset Stomach - dogs

    My dog has a sensitive stomach. In the past, I've purchased this type of medicine at the vet's office. One day they recommended I purchase it at the drug store. I purchased this and at a good price and it keeps my dog's problem in check. Of course, it's good for humans too!
    0 users found this review helpful.
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Details for CVS Health Acid Controller Tablets

ConcernGas & constipation relief
FormTablets, capsules & caplets
Key ingredientFamotidine
Product typeGastrointestinal & indigestion treatments
Quantity11-30 ct