Customer reviews for CVS Health Pediatric Electrolyte Solution, Unflavored, 1 L

CVS Health Pediatric Electrolyte Solution, Unflavored, 1 L
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How to get it

  • Yes, I recommend
    Reviewed 9 years ago

    Good hydration, good price

    This electrolyte solution tends to be marketed as a product to rehydrate children who have diarrhea. But it's ideal for rehydrating or keeping anyone properly hydrated. As a senior citizen, I know that as one ages, it tends to be more difficult to maintain proper hydration. On the advice of my internist, my wife and I drink tow glasses of this electrolyte solution twice a day, onc in the morning and one in the evening. But you should ask your physician about this.This prduct with no coloring and no artificial flavoring is way better than Gatorade, which also has too much sugar.
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