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Customer reviews for Tecnu Original Outdoor Skin Cleanser

Tecnu Original Outdoor Skin Cleanser
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How to get it

  • Yes, I recommend
    Reviewed 10 years ago


    I've suffered from an extreme allergic reaction to poison ivy all my life, and it's had an impact on my ability to garden, etc. until I started using tecnu as my final gardening/outdoors step. I've used this product for over 25 years. Back then, I had to go to an Arborist Supply store to get it. (A landscaper told me about it.) Fortunately, its popularity as grown, and I've been able to buy it at CVS, etc. The reason why I've been such faithful user is because IT WORKS! I've introduced it to all my family and friends by giving them a bottle. Everyone agrees that it works. Just remember to follow the instructions and rub it in gently for the full two minutes. Also, avoid touching anything - such as an itchy spot on your face until you've completed your outdoor task and washed with tecnu. I've waited to answer the phone until I complete my tecnu cleanup procedure. That way, I can enjoy the outdoors and avoid a case of full blown poison ivy agony!
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